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A Comprehensive Guide to the Dissolution of Partnership Firm at Odisha One Portal

Embarking on the dissolution of a partnership firm in Odisha can seem daunting, but with the Odisha One portal, this process is made straightforward. Whether it’s due to retirement, a new venture, or other reasons, dissolving a partnership firm is a significant step that requires careful handling. In this guide, we will walk you through the legal procedures, document submission, and every step involved in dissolving your partnership at the Odisha One portal. Let’s dive into the essentials for a seamless transition.

Preparing for Dissolution

Dissolving a partnership firm is a significant step that requires careful planning and consideration. Before jumping into filing the dissolution on the Odisha One portal, there are essential steps that need to be undertaken.

Reviewing the Partnership Agreement

The partnership agreement is the cornerstone of any partnership firm. It outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon by the partners at the inception of the partnership. When considering dissolution, the first step is to thoroughly review the partnership agreement. This document often contains specific clauses related to the dissolution process, including conditions under which the partnership can be dissolved, responsibilities of each partner during dissolution, and the method for settling disputes, if any arise. Understanding these clauses is crucial to ensuring that the dissolution process is carried out smoothly and in accordance with the agreed terms.

Partners’ Meeting and Consent

Once the partnership agreement has been reviewed, the next step involves calling a meeting of all partners. This meeting is critical for several reasons. First, it serves as an official forum to discuss the intention to dissolve the partnership. It provides an opportunity for all partners to voice their opinions, concerns, and suggestions regarding the dissolution process. In this meeting, obtaining the consent of all partners for dissolution is important. Depending on the terms of the partnership agreement, a unanimous decision may be required. Documentation of the meeting’s outcomes, especially the consent of partners, is essential, as it will need to be submitted as part of the dissolution process on the Odisha One portal.

Finalizing Financial Matters

The final step before formally initiating the dissolution process is to settle all financial matters related to the partnership. This includes clearing any outstanding debts, collecting receivables, and distributing the remaining assets among the partners as per the partnership agreement or any other agreement reached during the partners’ meeting. It’s also necessary to prepare a final account, depicting the financial status at the time of dissolution. This account should include details of assets and liabilities, and how they have been settled or distributed among the partners. Ensuring that all financial matters are conclusively settled is pivotal to avoiding disputes or legal complications during or after the dissolution process.

Taking the time to systematically prepare for the dissolution of a partnership firm, from reviewing the partnership agreement to finalizing financial matters, lays a solid foundation for a smooth transition through the Odisha One portal.

Registering the Dissolution at Odisha One Portal

When the time comes to dissolve a partnership firm in Odisha, the Odisha One portal is your starting line. This digital platform simplifies the dissolution process by guiding you through every step of the way.

Accessing the Odisha One Portal

To kickstart the process, access the Odisha One portal by entering its URL into your web browser. The site is designed for easy navigation, ensuring you find what you need without a hassle. Look for the section dedicated to businesses and select the option for the dissolution of partnership firms. If you’re new to the portal, you might need to create an account. Don’t worry, it’s a simple process that requires just your basic information and contact details.

Filling out the Dissolution Application Form

Once you’re logged in, it’s time to fill out the dissolution application form. This form is crucial as it captures all relevant information about your partnership firm and the reason for its dissolution. Take your time to fill it out accurately. You’ll need to provide details such as the firm’s name, registration number, partners’ details, and the date of dissolution, among others. Ensuring the accuracy of this information is key to avoiding delays in the approval process.

Document Submission

After completing the application, you’ll be prompted to upload the necessary documents. These typically include the original partnership agreement, any amendment documents, unanimous consent of all partners for dissolution, and financial statements closing the firm’s accounts. Double-check the portal’s requirement list to ensure you’re submitting all required documents. Remember, the authenticity and completeness of your document submission significantly influence the speed and success of your application.

Verification and Approval Process

Post submission, your application enters the verification and approval phase. This phase is critical as it ensures that all legal and procedural requirements are met before officially dissolving the firm.

Document Review by Authorities

The authorities at Odisha One portal meticulously review each document you’ve submitted. They verify the details against their records and check for compliance with all legal criteria. This step may take some time, depending on the complexity of your partnership structure and the clarity of the documents submitted. Patience is key during this stage.

Addressing Queries, if any

It’s common for the reviewing authorities to have questions or need additional information. If any queries arise regarding your application or submitted documents, the portal will notify you. Responding promptly and accurately to these queries is crucial. Sometimes, you may need to submit additional documents or clarify certain details about your dissolution request. Swift responses help keep the process moving forward without unnecessary delays.

Approval of Dissolution

Once all queries are satisfactorily addressed and your application meets all requirements, the final step is the approval of the dissolution. This official stamp of approval marks the formal end of your partnership firm in Odisha. You’ll receive a notification through the Odisha One portal confirming the dissolution. Additionally, the portal provides a dissolution certificate, which you should download and keep for your records.

In summary, dissolving a partnership firm in Odisha through the Odisha One portal is a structured process that requires careful attention to detail. From the initial application to the final approval, each step is designed to ensure a smooth and compliant dissolution. With patience and thoroughness, navigating the process can be straightforward, leading to a successful closure of your partnership firm.

Post-Dissolution Formalities

After your partnership firm in Odisha has been dissolved through the Odisha One portal, several steps need to be taken to ensure everything is wrapped up smoothly. These steps are crucial in making sure that all legal and financial obligations of the dissolved firm are fully settled.

Updating Legal and Tax Registrations

One of the first actions you’ll need to take is to update all legal and tax registrations associated with your firm. This involves:

  • Cancelling your firm’s GST registration, if applicable. You need to notify tax authorities about the dissolution and follow the necessary procedures to deregister.
  • Informing the Registrar of Companies (if your firm was registered as a partnership under the Companies Act) about the dissolution. This requires submitting a form along with the dissolution agreement.
  • Updating any other licenses or registrations your firm had. This could include industry-specific licenses or local business permits.

Remember, failing to update these registrations could lead to unnecessary legal complications and financial penalties. So, it’s quite important to handle this step with care.

Completing Paperwork and Filing Documents

The paperwork doesn’t end with the dissolution process on the Odisha One portal. After the firm is dissolved, make sure to:

  • Prepare final accounts, showing how the assets of the firm were distributed among the partners.
  • File tax returns for the final operational period of the firm, including settling any remaining tax liabilities.
  • Submit any required documents to the Registrar of Firms or other relevant authorities to confirm the firm’s dissolution.

Ensuring that all documentation is properly filed and keeping copies for your records is crucial for a smooth transition out of your business partnership.


Dissolving a partnership firm in Odisha is a structured and methodical process that requires attention to detail and thorough documentation. The Odisha One portal simplifies the procedure by providing a centralized platform for submitting necessary documents and tracking the progress of your dissolution application. It’s essential to closely follow the legal procedures, ensure all partnership agreements are adhered to, and submit the right documents for a smooth transition. With careful planning and execution, the dissolution process can be navigated successfully, paving the way for new beginnings.

Prerequisite Documents:

List of Documents Required:

1 Re-constitution deed of partnership firm worth of Rs 100/- Non-Judicial Stamp Paper.
2 Attested copy of old deed of partnership firm
3 Attested Xerox copy of old Regn. Certificate
4 Paper publication with Regn. No, address and name of partners outgoing.
5 Gazette notification
6 Application form ‘v’
7 Treasury challan Rs. 1.00 under Head of Accounts 1475.
8 Original no objection of retired partners
9 Original notice copy of retired partners
