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A Guide to Enrolling for MoGhara Scheme Beneficiaries on Odisha One Portal


Hello, folks! If you’re here to learn about how to become a part of the MoGhara Scheme by enrolling through the welcoming doors of the Odisha One portal, you’ve come to the right place. Understanding government portals can sometimes feel like you’re trying to solve a puzzle, but fear not! We’re here to guide you through the enrollment process step by step, ensuring that you can access the benefits you’re entitled to without any hiccups. So, let’s dive into the world of government assistance with an easy-to-follow guide that aims to make your path to enrollment as smooth as possible.

Understanding the MoGhara Scheme Beneficiaries

The MoGhara Scheme, initiated by the Government of Odisha, is a beacon of support for low-income families in the state, focusing on enhancing their living standards through financial assistance. This innovative scheme is specifically designed to help create and improve housing for those in need, ensuring that every beneficiary has a safe and stable place to call home. The MoGhara Scheme not only aims at providing monetary aid but also encourages community involvement and sustainable living practices among its beneficiaries.

Eligibility criteria for beneficiaries

To be a part of the MoGhara Scheme and reap its benefits, applicants need to meet certain eligibility criteria laid out by the government. Here’s a quick rundown of the main qualifications:

Residency: Applicants must be permanent residents of Odisha.

Income Level: The scheme is targeted towards individuals and families falling under the low-income bracket, as specified by the latest governmental guidelines.

Housing Need: Priority is given to those who are homeless or living in dilapidated conditions, demonstrating a critical need for housing assistance.

No Previous Government Housing Aid: Those who have not previously received any form of government assistance for housing are considered first.

Creating an account on the portal

To begin your journey with the MoGhara Scheme through the Odisha One portal, the first step is to create an account. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Visit the official Odisha One portal website.
  2. Look for the ‘Sign Up’ or ‘Register’ option, usually located on the home page.
  3. Fill in the required details, such as your name, mobile number, and email address. Make sure these details are accurate as they will be used for further communication and verification.
  4. Set a strong password for your account to ensure its security.
  5. Once you’ve entered all the necessary information, click on the ‘Submit’ button. You may receive a verification email or SMS to confirm your registration.
  6. Follow the instructions provided in the verification message to activate your account.

Creating an account on the Odisha One portal is fairly straightforward and is the first step towards accessing the benefits of the MoGhara Scheme.

Logging into the Odisha One portal and accessing its services, including the MoGhara Scheme, is designed to be an intuitive and hassle-free process. Following these simple steps can lead you closer to achieving your dream of a stable and secure home.

Enrolling for the MoGhara Scheme

Enrolling in the MoGhara Scheme, the government’s admirable initiative to provide assistance to needy families in Odisha, has been made remarkably user-friendly thanks to the Odisha One portal. Whether you’re seeking financial support or other benefits under this scheme, getting yourself enrolled is the first step towards availing these advantages. Let’s walk through the enrollment process, the necessary documents you’ll need, and how to navigate any potential roadblocks.

Step-by-step guide to enrolling on the portal

Enrolling for the MoGhara Scheme via the Odisha One portal is straightforward. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Visit the Odisha One portal and locate the ‘Services’ section.
  2. Under the ‘Services’ dropdown, find and click on ‘MoGhara Scheme’.
  3. You will be prompted to create an account if you don’t already have one. This involves filling in your basic details such as name, contact information, and setting up a password.
  4. Once your account is set up, log in and choose the ‘Apply Now’ option for the MoGhara Scheme.
  5. The application form will require detailed information, so have your documents ready.
  6. Fill out the application form meticulously, ensuring all details are accurate.
  7. Upload the necessary documents (discussed in the next section).
  8. Review your application before submitting to avoid any errors.
  9. After submission, you will receive an acknowledgement number. Keep it safe for future reference.

This step-by-step process, designed to be user-friendly, makes applying for the scheme simple and accessible for all eligible candidates.

Benefits of Enrolling for the MoGhara Scheme

The MoGhara Scheme stands out as a beacon of hope for many families across Odisha, providing them with much-needed assistance. Understanding the depth of benefits and their impact can significantly motivate eligible beneficiaries to enroll.

Overview of the assistance provided

The MoGhara Scheme offers a comprehensive package of benefits designed to improve the living standards of its beneficiaries. These benefits include financial assistance, healthcare support, education scholarships for children, and even housing aid for the eligible families. Such a holistic approach ensures that the basic needs of a family are met, paving the way for a brighter future.

Impact on beneficiaries and their families

The impact of being a MoGhara Scheme beneficiary is significant and transformational. Financial support relieves the immediate burden of daily expenses, allowing families to focus on long-term goals such as education and health. Education scholarships ensure that children in beneficiary families have access to quality education, breaking the cycle of poverty. Healthcare support prevents catastrophic health expenditures, and housing aid ensures safe living conditions.

These benefits are not just aiding in survival but are instrumental in providing a foundation for a dignified livelihood. Families report a noticeable improvement in their quality of life, a reduction in stress, and an optimistic outlook towards the future. By enrolling in the MoGhara Scheme, eligible families in Odisha can access a plethora of benefits tailored to elevate their living standards and ensure a path towards self-sustainability and prosperity.


Taking advantage of the MoGhara scheme through the Odisha One portal is an excellent opportunity for eligible residents to access vital government assistance. The enrollment process, though seemingly daunting at first, is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to all. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure a seamless application process. Remember, this scheme is a gateway to various benefits that can significantly improve the well-being of many families in Odisha. Hence, making the most of this opportunity should be a priority for eligible beneficiaries.

Prerequisite Documents:

  • Aadhar Number.
  • Mobile Number.

The Government of Odisha commits to provide pucca houses to all the houseless and those staying in Kutcha houses in rural area. In this endeavor following Schemes are implemented by Panchayati Raj & Drinking Water Department.
