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Amendment of Registration Certificate – Registration of Establishment(M-9)-Labour (The Building & Other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act, 1996 and its Odisha Rules, 2002)


Navigating the landscape of labor laws can be a daunting task for businesses, especially when it comes to compliance with specific acts like The Building & Other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act, 1996 and its Odisha Rules, 2002. If you are operating within the state of Odisha, understanding the process of registration and amendment of the Registration Certificate for establishments is crucial. This guide serves to simplify the intricacies involved in registering your establishment and ensuring your registration details are kept up-to-date as per the legal requirements. Whether you’re just starting out or need to update your existing records, this blog will provide you with a comprehensive step-by-step approach to manage your obligations under the Act effectively.

Understanding the Building & Other Construction Workers Act

Overview of the Act

The Building & Other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act, 1996, is pivotal in India’s endeavor to regulate employment and conditions for workers engaged in building and construction activities. The primary aim of this legislation is to provide welfare and protect the rights of construction workers, whose occupations expose them to various hazardous conditions. The act stipulates a legal framework for the registration of establishments and workers, ensuring the provision of essential benefits and maintaining safety standards. In Odisha, this framework is governed in accordance with the state’s specific rules outlined in its 2002 regulation, forming a tailored approach to handle local industry nuances.

Importance of registration of establishments

Registering establishments under the Building & Other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act is crucial for multiple reasons:

Legal Compliance: Registration ensures compliance with national and state laws, protecting establishments from potential legal issues.

Worker Safety and Benefits: Registered workers are entitled to benefits such as pensions, loans for housing, financial aid for education for their children, and assistance in case of accidents. This enhances the quality of life for the workers and their families.

Access to Resources: Registered establishments gain access to various schemes and assistance from the government dedicated to the welfare of construction workers.

Audit and Inspection Readiness: Being registered prepares establishments for routine audits and inspections by regulatory authorities, ensuring adherence to safety and welfare norms, thus safeguarding both workers and employers.

Registration of Establishment under the Act

Requirements for registration

To initiate the registration process under the Building & Other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act, an establishment must comply with several requirements:

– Application Form: Submission of the duly filled registration form prescribed by the respective state authorities.

Fees: Payment of a registration fee, the amount of which varies depending on the size of the establishment and the number of workers employed.

Documents: Provision of necessary documents including, but not limited to, identification proof of the business owner, a detailed list of workers, and any previous safety compliance reports.

Business Details: Information regarding the nature of the construction work, the expected duration of projects, and the workplace address.

Process for obtaining the registration certificate

The process to obtain a registration certificate can be summarized in the following steps:

  1. Submission of Application: The employer must complete and submit the application form along with all required documentation and payment of fees to the designated state authorities.
  2. Verification: Following submission, a verification process takes place where authorities might inspect the establishment or scrutinize the documents provided.
  3. Approval and Issuance: If the establishment meets all the required criteria and passes the verification process, the state authority issues the registration certificate.
  4. Renewal and Amendments: The certificate must be renewed periodically, as specified by law. Amendments to the certificate, such as changes in business details or worker numbers, must also be promptly communicated to the authorities.

By understanding and complying with these requirements and processes, establishments in the building and construction industries in Odisha can ensure they operate within the legal framework, contributing to the overall well-being and safety of their workers.

Amendment Process of Registration Certificate

Reasons for amending the certificate

Changes to the registration certificate under The Building & Other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act, 1996, are often necessary to ensure that all data remains accurate and reflective of the current operations of the establishment. Reasons for amending the certificate may include changes in the ownership of the establishment, alterations in the size of the workforce, expansion or reduction in the operational scope, or the need to correct any discrepancies previously recorded. It is crucial for establishments to keep their registration details up to date to maintain compliance with legal requirements and avoid potential penalties.

Steps involved in the amendment process

Amending a registration certificate involves several key steps that must be followed diligently:

  1. Notification: The establishment must first notify the respective labor department about the intended changes in the details provided in the original registration.
  2. Application: The employer has to submit an application for amendment, detailing the changes required. This typically involves filling out a prescribed form and attaching any supporting documents that validate the changes.
  3. Review: The application is then reviewed by the labor department. This may involve inspections or verifications to ensure the legitimacy of the provided details.
  4. Approval: If the department is satisfied with the application and supporting documents, the amendment will be approved. The establishment will receive an updated registration certificate reflecting the changes.
  5. Update Records: It’s the responsibility of the employer to update its records according to the new amendments and keep them for future references or inspections.

Impact on labor laws

Amending the registration certificate when changes occur ensures compliance with labor laws and helps avoid legal pitfalls. This process not only updates the government’s records but also safeguards workers’ rights by maintaining current information. It ensures that all measures related to worker safety, welfare benefits, and working conditions, as outlined by law, are upheld according to the current circumstances of the establishment.

Odisha Rules under the Act

Overview of the Odisha Rules, 2002

The Odisha Rules, 2002, framed under The Building & Other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act, 1996, set forth specific regulations that govern the registration and operation of constructions establishments within the state. These rules stipulate the processes for obtaining and amending registration certificates, outline the duties of employers, and establish the rights and benefits entitled to workers.

Compliance requirements in Odisha for establishments

To maintain compliance under the Odisha Rules, establishments are required to:

– Register with the local labor authority before commencing operations.

– Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of workers, their work hours, wages, and welfare measures.

– Ensure all construction sites adhere to safety protocols to protect workers from potential hazards.

– Submit periodic reports to the labor authorities that detail ongoing activities and compliance with specified safety and welfare standards.

By following these guidelines, establishments not only adhere to legal standards set by the Odisha rules but also contribute to the greater goal of ensuring the safety and welfare of their workers.


In wrapping up, the amendment process for the Registration Certificate of establishments under The Building & Other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act, 1996, and the Odisha Rules, 2002, is a methodical procedure designed to ensure all updates and changes are adequately accounted for. This ensures compliance with state laws and aids in the effective management of rights and responsibilities concerning labor regulations. For any establishment, staying updated with these amendments is crucial for smooth operational procedures and safeguarding the welfare of the workforce. Remember, accurate and timely updates not only comply with legal mandates but also foster a safer working environment for construction workers.

Prerequisite Documents:

Mandatory Documents 

  1. Proof of Identity of Applicant – Voter ID / Aadhaar Card / PAN Card / Passport.. etc *
  2. Identity proof of all Legal Heir *
  3. Death Certificate *
Supporting Documents
  1. Copy of first page of service book if deceased was a Govt. employee.
  2. Copy of finally published settlement ROR / consolidation ROR / Land passbook
  3. Any other document in support/claim

A legal heir certificate, also known as a succession certificate or heirship certificate, is a document issued by the government or a competent authority that establishes the rightful successors of a deceased person. This certificate is often required for various legal and financial purposes, such as transferring property, accessing bank accounts, claiming insurance benefits, or settling debts.
