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Death benefit


Understanding the nuances of life insurance, especially the death benefit, is crucial for ensuring your loved ones are financially secure after you’re gone. Think of a death benefit as a financial safety net that kicks in to provide your beneficiaries with the necessary funds when they need them most. This component of life insurance policies reassures policyholders that their dependents will have financial support during challenging times. Let’s delve into how maximizing this benefit can offer long-term security for your family.

Importance of Death Benefit

A death benefit is the money paid out by a life insurance company to the beneficiary(ies) upon the policyholder’s demise. This payment aims to provide financial security and support to loved ones left behind, covering immediate expenses like funeral costs and ongoing financial needs such as living expenses and college tuition for dependents.

Role of Death Benefit in Life Insurance

The primary purpose of a death benefit is to offer a financial safety net in the unfortunate event of a policyholder’s death. It helps minimize the financial impact on the family, ensuring they remain financially stable despite the loss of income. Life insurance also serves as a critical tool in estate planning, potentially offering a tax-free inheritance to the beneficiaries, and helping cover any outstanding debts or taxes.

Strategies to Enhance Death Benefits

Reviewing Coverage Amount

  • Assess your coverage periodically: Life changes such as marriage, childbirth, or buying a home can alter your insurance needs.
  • Consider future costs: Anticipate future financial needs, including education expenses and retirement funding for your spouse.

Updating Beneficiaries

  • Ensure your beneficiary designations are up-to-date: Check your policy following major life events like a marriage, divorce, or the death of a beneficiary.
  • Consider secondary beneficiaries: Designate contingent beneficiaries to secure the benefit in case the primary beneficiary cannot claim it.

Choosing the Right Policy Type

  • Compare term and permanent life insurance: Term insurance provides coverage for a specific period, while permanent insurance offers lifelong coverage and builds cash value.
  • Understand policy features: Different policies come with various features like accelerated death benefits, which allow early payouts under certain conditions, enhancing financial flexibility for beneficiaries. Explore these options to tailor your life insurance to better suit your family’s needs.

Tax Implications of Death Benefits

Most life insurance death benefits are free from federal income tax when paid to a beneficiary. However, it’s important to consider how large policy payouts could potentially affect one’s estate tax. If a policyholder owns the insurance policy at the time of death, the death benefit may be included in their estate for estate tax purposes. This could lead to significant tax implications, especially for larger estates that exceed the federal estate tax exemption limit.

Tax-Efficient Strategies for Beneficiaries

To mitigate potential tax burdens, consider these strategies:

– Transfer the ownership of the policy to another person or a trust. This must be done more than three years before the death of the insured to avoid inclusion in the estate.

– Use the death benefit to fund a bypass or credit shelter trust, which can help maximize the estate tax exemption for married couples.

– Consult with a financial planner or tax professional to tailor these strategies to your specific situation and ensure they align with current tax laws.

Ensuring Adequate Coverage for Special Circumstances

Life is unpredictable, and certain circumstances require additional planning to ensure that your life insurance coverage adequately addresses your dependents’ specific needs.

Providing for Dependents with Special Needs

If you have a dependent with special needs, it’s vital to consider their future care in your life insurance planning:

– Special Needs Trusts: These can be funded with the death benefit to provide for the dependent without disqualifying them from other benefits.

– Life Care Planning: Ensure your policy covers potential long-term care expenses, which can be substantial.

Considering these factors will help ensure they are financially secure throughout their lifetime.

Business Succession Planning with Death Benefits

For entrepreneurs, life insurance death benefits can play a crucial role in business succession planning:

– Buy-Sell Agreements: Life insurance can fund a buy-sell agreement, ensuring that funds are available to purchase a deceased owner’s interest and ease the transition.

– Key Person Insurance: This helps a business cope with the loss of an individual whose death could significantly impact the company’s future.

Incorporating life insurance into your business planning ensures that both your loved ones and your business ventures are protected.


Ensuring your loved ones are financially secure after you’re gone is a top priority for many. A life insurance policy with a well-planned death benefit can provide peace of mind, knowing that your family will be looked after financially. It’s vital to regularly review and adjust your policy as your life circumstances change, to keep the coverage in line with your family’s needs. Whether you’re setting up a new policy or amending an existing one, consider engaging with a financial advisor to make the most informed decisions about your life insurance investment. After all, the ultimate goal is to create a lasting legacy that supports your family when you no longer can.

Prerequisite Documents:

  • Affidavit in case of multiple Legal Heir
  • Identity Card
  • Post-mortem report (In case of accident)
  • Report of Accidental in form XIV (In case of accident)
  • Certificate issued by Govt.
  • Doctor not below the rank of Assistant surgeon (In case of accident)
  • Death Certificate .Legal Heir Certificate (In case of no Nominees are alive)
  • Photograph of the applicant
  • First page of bank passbook of the applicant
  • Aadhaar of the applicant
  • Signature of the applicant
  • Copy of the Police FIR (In case of accident)

Death benefit can be given in the event of death of an active construction worker who have been registered under the Odisha Building & Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board and his / her membership has not been ceased on the date of death. Application for death benefit can be made by the nominee of the deceased. In case, there are multiple nominees, the benefit is paid to all the nominees as per the percentage (%) of share declared by the deceased during registration or to a single nominee, on getting affidavit from other nominees towards their non-objection for payment of benefit to the applicant nominee.

In the absence of nomination, the assistance towards death may be sanctioned in favour of the legal heir of the deceased on production of legal heir certificate from the competent authority. In case of more than one legal heir, an affidavit shall be obtained from all legal heirs regarding who will receive the assistance on their behalf.

In case, the nominee is a minor, the amount of death benefit may be sanctioned subject to the condition that the amount transferred shall not be withdrawn unless the nominee attains the age of major or in case of exigency (urgent need), the same may be withdrawn with due approval of the member secretary of the board.

In case of accidental death caused during the course of employment/ on the construction site, assistance will be extended to the nominee or legal heir (as the case may be of the deceased beneficiary irrespective of his place of death); however the following documents are to be attached.
