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Essential Fire Safety Recommendations for Temporary Structures at Odisha One Portal


Welcome to our latest post on essential fire safety tips, especially tailored for temporary structures at Odisha One Portal! Whether you’re managing an event, hosting a temporary exhibit, or setting up a pop-up shop, knowing how to prevent fire hazards is key to ensuring everyone’s safety. Temporary doesn’t mean less important when it comes to fire safety. So, let’s dive into some essential recommendations that will help keep your temporary space safe from fire risks.

The Importance of Fire Safety in Temporary Structures

When it comes to setting up temporary structures, whether for events, construction sites, or emergency housing, fire safety should always be top of mind. These structures often lack the robust fire prevention and containment systems found in permanent buildings, making them more susceptible to fire incidents. Ensuring the safety of occupants and preventing property damage requires adhering to stringent fire safety measures. Fires in temporary structures can spread rapidly due to the materials used and the often compact layout. By focusing on fire safety, we not only protect lives but also minimize potential financial losses and damage to the surrounding environment.

Understanding Temporary Structures

Temporary structures are exactly what their name suggests – structures erected for a brief period to serve a specific purpose. These can range from tents and marquees used for events like weddings and fairs, to modular buildings deployed for educational purposes or as temporary housing solutions. Construction site offices, pop-up shops, and even temporary storage units also fall into this category. The temporary nature of these structures often means they are constructed with lighter, less fire-resistant materials, which necessitates a greater focus on fire safety measures.

Common Hazards and Risks

Several hazards and risks are commonly associated with temporary structures, highlighting the need for diligent fire safety practices. One significant risk comes from the materials used; many temporary buildings are made with flammable materials that can ignite easily and burn quickly. Additionally, the layout of these structures often includes closely placed units and narrow escape routes, which can hinder evacuation efforts during a fire. Electrical systems, often hastily installed or overloaded to meet the temporary needs, pose another fire risk. These structures may also be located in areas not easily accessible by emergency services, further complicating fire safety efforts. Understanding these risks is the first step in creating a comprehensive fire safety plan that accounts for the unique challenges of temporary structures.

Fire Safety Recommendations for Temporary Structures

Adequate Fire Extinguishers

Every temporary structure, no matter its size or purpose, should be equipped with an adequate number of fire extinguishers. These must be easily accessible and clearly marked, so that in the event of a fire, they can be utilized without delay. It’s important to choose the right type of extinguisher for the specific hazards present in the structure, whether it be electrical fires, flammable liquids, or general combustibles.

Clear Signage and Emergency Exits

Ensuring that emergency exits are not only numerous and accessible but also clearly marked, can significantly reduce the risk of injury during an evacuation. Signage that is easy to read, even in low light conditions, can guide occupants safely out of the building. It’s crucial that these exits remain unobstructed at all times.

Electrical Safety Measures

Temporary structures often rely heavily on electrical systems for lighting, heating, and other essential functions. It is vital that these systems are installed by qualified professionals and are regularly checked for any signs of damage or wear. Using surge protectors and keeping cables tidy can also help to reduce the risk of electrical fires.

Security and Access Control

Limiting access to the structure to authorized personnel only can prevent malicious or accidental tampering with fire safety equipment and emergency exits. It also allows for a more orderly evacuation if the need arises, as the number of people within the structure is known and managed.

Proper Storage and Handling of Flammable Materials

If the temporary structure houses any flammable materials, it’s crucial that they are stored correctly and handled with care. This includes using appropriate containers, keeping them away from ignition sources, and ensuring that the area is well-ventilated.

Regular Inspections and Maintenance

Routine checks of the structure and its fire safety installations can catch and rectify potential hazards before they lead to a fire. This involves inspecting fire extinguishers, emergency lighting, and electrical equipment, among other things, to ensure they are in good working condition.

Fire Safety Training and Education

Awareness Programs

Developing and implementing fire safety awareness programs can significantly enhance the safety of temporary structures. These programs can inform occupants about the specific fire risks associated with the structure, how to prevent these risks, and what actions to take in the event of a fire.

Staff Training

Training staff members in fire safety practices is crucial. This includes teaching them how to use fire extinguishers properly, recognizing fire hazards, and understanding the fire evacuation plan. Having trained staff on-site can make a significant difference in the event of an emergency.

Community Involvement

Engaging the community through workshops and informational sessions can extend fire safety awareness beyond the immediate occupants of the temporary structure. This collective approach ensures that everyone understands the importance of fire safety and knows how to act responsibly to prevent fires.

Case Studies: Fire Incidents in Temporary Structures

Temporary structures, such as marquees, tents, and pavilions, have been victims of devastating fire incidents. These events serve as a stark reminder of the importance of adhering to fire safety measures. Cases range from small fires that were quickly contained, to larger ones that led to significant property damage, injuries, and unfortunately, loss of lives.

Consequences of Ignoring Fire Safety

Ignoring fire safety in temporary structures can have dire consequences. Inadequate exits, lack of fire extinguishers, and flammable materials can turn a small flame into a major disaster within minutes. The aftermath often includes not only the immediate physical damage and potential loss of life but also long-term economic losses for businesses, not to mention the psychological impact on survivors and the community.

Lessons Learned

Every incident brings invaluable lessons on the importance of proactive fire safety measures. Key takeaways include the necessity of having proper evacuation plans, the importance of using non-flammable materials in construction, and regular fire safety drills. Implementing these lessons can significantly reduce the risk of fire in temporary structures and mitigate potential damages.

Fire Safety Regulations and Compliance

Adhering to fire safety regulations is not only a legal requirement but a fundamental responsibility of event organizers and managers of temporary structures.

Overview of Relevant Laws and Regulations

Many regions, including Odisha, have specific laws and regulations designed to ensure the safety of temporary structures. These may include requirements for fire-resistant materials, adequate spacing, proper electrical installations, and the presence of fire safety equipment like extinguishers and smoke detectors.

Inspections and Enforcement

Regulatory bodies are tasked with inspecting temporary structures for compliance with fire safety standards. These inspections are critical for identifying potential risks and enforcing regulations to ensure public safety. Non-compliance can result in the refusal of permits for events or even the shutting down of operations until standards are met.

Penalties and Consequences

Failing to comply with fire safety regulations can lead to significant penalties, including fines, legal action, and in severe cases, imprisonment. More importantly, neglecting these responsibilities risks the safety and lives of occupants. Therefore, staying informed and compliant with fire safety regulations is not only about adhering to the law but also about protecting communities and saving lives.

Specific Recommendations and Resources

The Odisha One Portal provides an array of recommendations and resources tailored to enhancing fire safety in temporary structures. These include:

– Regular Inspections: It’s crucial to conduct routine checks of electrical wiring and fire safety equipment within temporary structures. This helps in identifying potential hazards before they lead to disasters.

– Fire Extinguishers: Ensuring that appropriate fire extinguishers are available and easily accessible throughout the structure is a must. Training occupants on how to use these extinguishers can also make a significant difference in an emergency.

– Emergency Exits: Clearly marked and unobstructed emergency exits are vital. These exits should be adequately signposted and illuminated to facilitate quick evacuations.

– Fire-Resistant Materials: Whenever possible, utilizing fire-resistant materials in the construction of temporary structures can greatly reduce the risk of fire.

– Awareness and Training: The portal emphasizes the importance of creating awareness and providing training to all occupants of the temporary structures on fire safety measures and evacuation procedures.

By following these guidelines and utilizing the resources available on the Odisha One Portal, individuals and organizations can significantly enhance the safety of temporary structures in Odisha.


The Odisha One Portal serves as a crucial resource for ensuring fire safety in temporary structures, offering accessible guidelines, recommendations, and resources. By adhering to these safety measures, we can protect lives and prevent fire hazards, fostering a safer environment for everyone in Odisha. Remember, safety starts with awareness and preparedness. Let’s all contribute to making our temporary structures as safe as possible.

Prerequisite Documents:

Documents (scanned copies) required to be uploaded for Fire Safety Recommendation:
  1. Plain Application (written application) being signed by Applicant.
  2. Letter of authorization ( if applicant is not the owner.)
  3. Proposed Building plans containing Site Plan, Layout Plan, Floor Plan, Elevation Plan, etc.
  4. Ownership documents (ROR, etc.).
  5. Photo ID proof (Voter ID or Aadhar or Driving Licence) of Applicant
  6. Signature of Applicant.
  7. Recent Pass port size photograph of Applicant.

Any person desirous to obtain Fire Safety Recommendation for proposed buildings shall apply in plain paper being signed by applicant along with fees @ Rs. 1.00 (Rupees one) per square meter built up area (total covered area of all floors of the building including covered area of all undergrounds, basements, Stilt, mezzanine and ground floors) in case of residential buildings and @ Rs. 2.00 (Rupees two) per square meter built up area (total covered area of all floors of the building including covered area of all underground, basements, Stilt, mezzanine and ground floors) in case of non- residential buildings through online.
