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Grant of Certificate of Registration – Registration of Trade Union(M-18)-Labour(The Trade Unions Act, 1926 And Regulation, 1941)


Welcome to the world of labor rights and unionization! If you’re looking to register a trade union under the Trade Unions Act of 1926, understanding the roadmap to successfully obtaining a Certificate of Registration is your first step. This certificate is crucial as it legally recognizes a trade union, allowing it to operate and advocate for workers’ rights effectively. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential procedures and paperwork involved in the registration process of a trade union, ensuring you’re well-equipped to navigate this important journey smoothly.

Understanding the Trade Unions Act, 1926

The Trade Unions Act of 1926 was established to provide a legal framework for the registration and protection of trade unions in India. This legislation empowers trade unions to represent members in various matters, including wage negotiations, working conditions, and labor disputes, ensuring that workers are represented fairly and effectively. A key component of this Act is that it outlines specific procedures and rules for the establishment and registration of trade unions, creating an organized system that fosters industrial harmony.

Importance of Certificate of Registration

Obtaining a Certificate of Registration is crucial for any trade union because it grants legal recognition by the government. This recognition provides several benefits: it allows the union to legally represent its members in collective bargaining, ensures protection under the law, and enables the union to access financial benefits and rights. Additionally, a registered union becomes a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal, which adds to its credibility and stability.

Eligibility Criteria for Trade Union Registration

Membership requirements

To be eligible for registration, a trade union must consist of at least ten workers who are engaged or employed in the industry with which the union is connected. Each member must subscribe their names to the rules of the union and comply with any other membership conditions as stipulated in the Trade Unions Act. This ensures that the union has sufficient membership to function effectively and represent the interests of a considerable number of workers.

Conditions for registration

Several conditions must be met for a trade union to be registered under the Trade Unions Act, 1926:

– The union’s name should not be similar to any existing registered trade union.

– The union must establish a registered office to which all communications and notices may be sent.

– A detailed constitution or rules of the union, covering aspects like the name, objectives, membership eligibility, election process, and dissolution must be provided during the registration process.

– The union is required to submit a list of its officers at the time of application for registration.

Meeting these conditions helps ensure that the trade union is organized, accountable, and prepared to fulfill its role in representing and protecting the interests of its members.

Process for Obtaining Certificate of Registration

Application Submission

To kickstart the registration process of a trade union under the Trade Unions Act, 1927, the first crucial step is to submit an application. This application should be comprehensive and is required to be formatted according to the guidelines provided by the governing labor department. It generally consists of details such as the union’s name, its objectives, the names of its members, and the workplace addresses. Importantly, at least seven members must subscribe their names to the application as a demonstration of their interest and commitment.

Scrutiny and verification

Once the application is submitted, it undergoes a detailed scrutiny and verification process. This phase is critical as it involves the validation of all the information provided. Authorities ensure that the details meet all regulatory requirements and that there are no discrepancies in the information given. This may include verifying the identities of the members, confirming that the union’s objectives align with legal standards, and ensuring that no other union with a similar name exists to avoid any confusion.

Issuance of Certificate

If the application passes the scrutiny stage without issues, the next outcome is the issuance of the Certificate of Registration. This certificate represents official recognition of the trade union under the Trade Unions Act, 1926. It serves as an essential document that grants the union numerous legal benefits and rights under the law, such as the ability to legally represent its members and bargain collectively.

Guidelines for document submission

When submitting documents for the registration of a trade union, it is paramount to follow several important guidelines to ensure a smooth process:

– All documents must be legible and, where required, certified true copies by a notary or an authorized person.

– Make sure to double-check that all forms are completely filled out and signed as incomplete submissions may lead to delays.

– Include any additional documents that may be requested by the local labor office to support the application, such as identity proofs or a workplace address verification.

By adhering to these processes and requirements, trade unions can effectively navigate the path to obtaining a Certificate of Registration, laying a strong foundation for their operations and contributions towards the welfare of their members.

Role of Registrar of Trade Unions

The Registrar of Trade Unions plays a pivotal role in the governance and regulation of trade unions under The Trade Unions Act, 1926. This official is primarily responsible for ensuring that all trade unions in the region adhere to the stipulated legal requirements and maintain an organized system for their operations.

Responsibilities of the Registrar

The Registrar’s responsibilities extend widely and include the oversight of union registrations, amendments to union constitutions, and the dissolution processes of unions, if necessary. They also handle the maintenance and updating of a detailed record of all registered trade unions, which includes information about union executives, members, and financial transactions. The Registrar’s office acts as a crucial point of contact for unions and provides guidance regarding compliance with the law.

H6: Role in the Registration Process

When it comes to the registration of a trade union, the Registrar’s role is both administrative and advisory. Each application for the Certificate of Registration is assessed by the Registrar to ensure that the union has met all legal requirements, such as a minimum membership threshold and proper documentation (like the union’s constitution). The Registrar may also guide the trade union through the necessary steps and paperwork, ensuring clarity and conformity to legal standards.

Tips for a Smooth Registration Process

For trade union representatives looking to streamline the registration process, consider the following tips:

– Thoroughly review all the requirements and guidelines provided by the Registrar’s office before submitting your application.

– Ensure that all provided documents are complete, accurately filled out, and free of errors.

– Keep open lines of new brightness with the Registrar’s office for any clarifications or updates regarding the application status.

– Engage lawyers or legal experts who specialize in labor laws to verify the legality and completeness of your documents.

With these proactive steps, trade unions can enhance their chances for a successful and timely registration, fostering a compliant and robust environment for their operations.


Understanding the registration process under the Trade Unions Act of 1926 is crucial for effectively establishing and operating a trade union. By securing a Certificate of Registration, your trade union gains legal recognition, which empowers it to better advocate for the rights and interests of its members. It’s important to follow each step meticulously, from preparing the necessary documents to submitting them correctly. Once registered, the union can operate legally, participate in negotiations, and contribute positively to the labor landscape. Remember, the effort put into understanding and following these guidelines not only helps in smooth registration but also sets the foundation for a strong and compliant organization.

Prerequisite Documents:

  • Signature of the applicant
  • Particulars given in Schedule-I
  • Particulars given in Schedule-II
  • Particulars given in Schedule-III
  • By-law document
  • Resolution w.r.t name & style of proposed union
  • Resolution w.r.t date of formation of union
  • Resolution w.r.t election of office bearer
  • Resolution w.r.t adoption of by-law
  • Resolution w.r.t otherize of code of discipline in industry
  • Register of membership subscription in form-F
  • Bank pass book
  • Cash book copy
Fees Structure

After the form is succesfully saved , applicant can pay the required fees.

Rs. 50 for registration
