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Grant of license for employment of migrant workmen in the recipient state under the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act 1979


Navigating through the maze of labor laws can be daunting, especially when it comes to hiring migrant workmen. If your business operates across state lines in India, understanding the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act 1979 is crucial. This law provides specific guidelines and requirements for employing migrant labor, aiming to safeguard their rights and ensure fair treatment. In this post, we’ll unfold the steps and conditions necessary to obtain a license for employing migrant workmen in the recipient state, helping you stay compliant and informed.

Understanding the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act 1979

Explanation of the key provisions of the Act

The Inter State Migrant Workmen Act of 1979 plays a critical role in regulating the employment of migrant laborers in various industries across India. This legislation is designed to ensure fair treatment and to safeguard the rights of these workmen who migrate from one state to another in search of employment. The Act mandates registration of all establishments hiring migrant labor and also licenses all contractors who employ these migrants to provide additional layers of accountability.

Key provisions include:

– The necessity for contractors to obtain licenses which include details such as the nature and duration of the work, the rates of wages, and the due amenities for migrant workmen.

– Employers are required to provide regular updates to the authorities about the conditions of the migrant workmen.

– It is compulsory to ensure payment of wages, offer suitable working conditions, and provide travel and displacement allowances.

Rights and protections provided to migrant workmen

The Act outlines various rights and protections specifically designed to support migrant workers and include:

– Assurance of equal and fair wages comparable to other local workers performing the same tasks.

– Provision of suitable accommodation, medical facilities, and protective clothing.

– Transportation to and from the workplace, and displacement allowances to cover movement across states.

– Right to be informed of the legal rights in a language they understand.

Regular inspections and check-ups are mandated to ensure compliance with these provisions, aiming to promote a safe, fair, and dignified working environment for migrant workmen.

Grant of License for Employment

Acquiring a license for the employment of migrant workmen involves a comprehensive process aimed at ensuring the protection and welfare of the workmen. The primary authority involved in this process is the Labor Department of the recipient state, which scrutinizes the applications to ensure all criteria are met. The general purpose of the license is to monitor and regulate the employment conditions of migrant workers, ensuring their rights are not violated.

Steps involved in securing the employment license under the Act

Step 1: Prepare the required documents and complete the application form. Ensure all fields are accurately filled and that the form is signed by an authorized person.

Step 2: Submit the completed application along with all necessary documents to the relevant state labor department.

Step 3: Pay the applicable license fee. This fee varies from state to state and is subject to revision as per government norms.

Step 4: Wait for the inspection process, where state authorities may visit the premises and verify the amenities and conditions described in the application.

Step 5: Once the inspection is satisfactory and no discrepancies are found, the labor department will grant the license. This license will have to be renewed periodically as per the specifications of the Act.

The whole process necessitates meticulous attention to detail and compliance with all legislative requirements to ensure the welfare of migrant workers is prioritarily safeguarded in their employment conditions.

Compliance and Responsibilities

Navigating through the complexities of labor laws can be challenging but ensuring compliance with the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act 1979 is crucial for those employers intending to employ migrant workmen. Below, we explore the major responsibilities employers must adhere to under this act and the consequences of non-compliance.

Employer obligations under the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act 1979

As an employer, understanding and fulfilling your obligations is key to a smooth operational flow and legal compliance. Under the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act of 1979, your primary responsibilities include:

– Obtaining a valid license for employment of migrant workers.

– Providing details of employment conditions and ensuring they are understood by the migrant workmen.

– Ensuring timely payment of wages without any deductions except those specified.

– Providing suitable accommodation.

– Offering medical facilities and protective clothing.

– Reporting to the authorities in case of accidents or critical health issues.

By adhering to these regulations, employers not only comply with the law but also contribute to a safer and more equitable working environment for migrant workers.

Penalties for non-compliance with the regulations

Failure to comply with any of the stipulated provisions in the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act can lead to serious consequences including:

– Penalties including imprisonment, which may extend up to three years, or a fine, or both.

– Cancellation or suspension of the employment license.

– Compensation claims made by affected migrant workmen.

Awareness and adherence to these rules are imperative to avoid legal hurdles and maintain the continuity of your business activities.

Ensuring fair treatment and welfare of migrant workers

Promoting the welfare of migrant workers goes beyond legal compliance. It involves:

– Establishing clear communication channels.

– Regular welfare meetings or forums to address concerns of the workers.

– Training sessions about their rights and duties.

– Creating a non-discriminatory work environment.

Employers play a crucial role in fostering inclusivity and ensuring that the migrant workers’ rights are protected and respected. Providing a supportive and friendly work environment also helps in enhancing productivity and reducing employee turnover. By upholding the dignity and welfare of each worker, businesses can contribute meaningfully to the broader societal good.


Navigating through the requirements and responsibilities under the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act 1979 can seem daunting at first. However, understanding the necessity of obtaining a proper employment license for migrant workmen ensures compliance with national labor laws and promotes a fair working environment. By adhering to the guidelines and fostering a transparent relationship with your employees, you contribute positively to the socio-economic landscape of both the home and recipient states. Remember, a well-informed employer not only stands in good legal standing but also boosts the morale of the workforce, ultimately leading to enhanced productivity and mutual growth.

Prerequisite Documents:

Checklist of documents to be uploaded (Only png, jpg, pdf is supported and maximum file size of 4 MB is allowed)

  1. Identification document *
  2. Work order copy *
  3. Trade licence from local authority
  4. Certificate by principal employer in form-VI *
  5. Declaration by the contractor *
  6. Signature of the applicant *

The District Labour Officers are declared as Licensing Officers under the said Act to grant licence. Based on the geographical location, the application will be routed to the concerned District Labour Officer.

The contractor who desires to have licence shall make an application.

The licence shall remain valid till the end of calendar year i.e. 31st December during which it is issued and may be renewed for a further period of one year i.e. the next calendar year

Particulars of migrant workers shall be submitted by Contractor within 15 days after deployment migrant workmen.
