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Grant of license for recruitment by the contractor in home state under the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act 1979


Navigating the complexities of hiring migrant labor can seem daunting, but understanding the nuances of the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act 1979 is crucial for any contractor planning to recruit in their home state. The Act mandates a specific license for this process, ensuring protection and rights are upheld for both workers and employers. In this blog, we’ll explore why this recruitment license is not just a legal formality but a necessary step in fostering a compliant and efficient work environment. This understanding aids contractors in adhering to legal obligations and promotes ethical labor practices across states.

Importance of a Recruitment License for Contractors

Definition of the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act 1971

The Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act was established in 1979 to protect the rights of workers migrating from one state to another within India. It aims to prevent the exploitation of interstate migrant workers by enforcing compliance with different rules regarding their employment, wages, and welfare measures. This Act requires contractors who employ five or more interstate migrant workers to obtain a formal recruitment license. This legal step ensures that migrant workers are properly documented and receive all legal benefits and fair treatment.

Significance of compliance with the Act

Maintaining compliance with the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act is not only a legal obligation but also a crucial aspect of ethical business practices. For contractors, having a valid recruitment license becomes pivotal in:

– Ensuring legal protection for both the employer and the employees.

– Facilitating smoother business operations without the interruptions from legal hurdles.

– Establishing the contractor’s credibility and trustworthiness in the industry.

– Enhancing the welfare and rights of workers, thus contributing to better productivity and morale.

By adhering to the mandates of the Act, contractors can prevent hefty penalties and avoid damaging their reputation, which can lead to more lucrative opportunities and business growth.

Application Process for Obtaining the Recruitment License

Eligibility criteria for contractors

To apply for a recruitment license under the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act, a contractor must meet the following criteria:

– Employ five or more interstate migrant workers.

– Possess a valid work contract with a principal employer offering terms and conditions that are compliant with the Act.

– Not have any previous criminal record related to employment law violations.

– Provide evidence of suitable arrangements for the welfare of migrant workers as specified by the Act.

Steps involved in the my title application process

The process to obtain a recruitment license involves several key steps:

  1. Gather Information: Understand all legal requirements and collect necessary forms and documents.
  2. Prepare Application: Fill out the application form clearly and accurately. Attach all the required documents.
  3. Submit Application: File the application with the relevant state or central authorities.
  4. Inspections: Undergo inspections by authorities, who will verify the conditions of employment and welfare measures in place for the workers.
  5. Receive License: If all criteria are met and verified, the license will be issued. This typically occurs within a period specified by the Act.

Adhering to this process meticulously not only ensures compliance but also facilitates the smooth issuance of the necessary recruitment license.

Implications of Not Having a Recruitment License

Legal consequences for contractors

Operating without a recruitment license under the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act 1979 can lead to significant legal trouble for contractors. Failure to comply with this requirement is considered a breach of the Act, which specifically mandates that contractors recruiting migrant workers from their home state for employment in another state must possess a valid license. The legal repercussions can include hefty fines, and in severe cases, imprisonment. Moreover, the contractor’s reputation may suffer greatly, leading to a loss of business opportunities and potential blacklisting in industry circles. Ensuring compliance with legal standards is not just about avoiding penalties, but also about maintaining a lawful and reputable operational framework.

Impact on migrant workers

The absence of a recruitment license also adversely affects the migrant workers themselves. Without the oversight provided by licensing, there are increased risks of exploitation, such as unfair wage practices, poor working conditions, and a lack of proper agreements. Migrant workers might find themselves trapped in unfavorable terms of employment or in extreme cases, can become victims of human trafficking. The license acts as a safeguard, ensuring that recruitment practices meet certain basic criteria which protect the rights and welfare of these workers.

Benefits of Obtaining a Recruitment License

Ensuring fair recruitment practices

Obtaining a recruitment license is crucial for maintaining fair recruitment practices. It obliges contractors to adhere to ethical standards and regulatory requirements, promoting transparency in the hiring process. Licensed contractors are more likely to conduct thorough background checks, provide clear and honest job descriptions, and offer equitable pay. This not only enhances the reliability of recruitment processes but also builds trust among potential employees. Furthermore, fair recruitment practices ensure an equitable working environment, fostering a positive business image and enhancing the stability of labor relations.

Protection of rights and interests of migrant workers

The recruitment license serves as a key instrument in safeguarding the rights and interests of migrant workers. It ensures that contractors are accountable for the welfare of the workers they recruit, including guaranteeing appropriate living conditions, timely payment of wages, and the provision of all other legally mandated benefits. The license also serves as a barrier against the exploitation of migrant workers by ensuring they are not subjected to abusive working conditions or deprived of their rights. Additionally, it empowers workers by providing them with a legal avenue to address grievances, thereby enhancing their job security and overall well-being.

In conclusion, obtaining a recruitment license under the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act 1979 is fundamental not only for the legal compliance and operational integrity of contractors but also for the protection and welfare of migrant workers. It promotes a fair, safe, and equitable labor market.


Navigating the complexities of the Inter State Migrant Workmen Act 1979 is crucial for contractors who are involved in the hiring and employment of migrant workers across state lines. Obtaining a recruitment license in their home state not only ensures compliance with legal standards but also signifies a commitment to the welfare and rights of their employees. It is an essential step that facilitates transparent and ethical recruitment practices, fostering a better working environment for all involved. Contractors who prioritize this process are better equipped to manage their workforce efficiently and are less likely to face legal penalties, ensuring the sustainability and growth of their operations.

Prerequisite Documents:

Checklist of documents to be uploaded (Only png, jpg, pdf is supported and maximum file size of 4 MB is allowed)

  1. Identification document *
  2. Work order copy *
  3. Trade licence from local authority
  4. Certificate by principal employer in form-VI *
  5. Declaration by the contractor *
  6. Signature of the applicant *

As per provisions of section 8 of the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service) Act, 1979, a contractor who recruits or recruited five or more inter-state migrant workmen on any day of the preceding 12 months, from the state of Odisha for employing in any establishment in another state, has to obtain a licence under the act.

The District Labour Officers are declared as Licensing Officers under the said Act to grant licence. Based on the geographical location, the application will be routed to the concerned District Labour Officer.

The contractor who desires to have licence shall make an application.

The licence shall remain valid till the end of calendar year i.e. 31st December during which it is issued and may be renewed for a further period of one year i.e. the next calendar year

Particulars of migrant workers shall be submitted by Contractor within 15 days after deployment migrant workmen.
