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How to Enroll for the BSKY NABIN Card at Odisha One Portal

Welcome to your guide on enrolling for the BSKY NABIN Card through the Odisha One Portal! If you’re residing in Odisha and looking to take advantage of healthcare benefits for you and your family, you’re in the right place. The BSKY NABIN Card is a game-changer, providing access to a wide range of health services. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the enrollment process, from checking your eligibility to completing your registration. Let’s dive right in and make healthcare more accessible for you!

Benefits of BSKY NABIN Card

The Biju Swastya Kalyan Yojana (BSKY) NABIN card is not just any card; it’s your gateway to a wide array of healthcare benefits designed to ensure a healthier future for the residents of Odisha. So, what does this magic card offer? For starters, it promises comprehensive coverage for a variety of healthcare needs. This includes free treatment at empaneled hospitals, not only within Odisha but across the country. This is a huge benefit for those who need specialized care that might not be available locally.

Moreover, with the BSKY NABIN card, you can say goodbye to the stress associated with the cost of medicines, as it covers a vast range of medications. This means no more compromising on necessary medicines due to financial constraints. Additionally, the card offers coverage for diagnostic tests. Whether it’s a routine lab test or more detailed diagnostic procedures, cardholders can access these services without worrying about the cost.

Another standout feature is the cashless transaction benefit. This ensures that in times of medical emergencies, the patient or their family members don’t have to run around arranging cash. The card facilitates direct payment to the healthcare provider, streamlining the process and reducing the burden on the patient’s family.

Let’s not forget the preventive aspect; the BSKY NABIN card includes various preventive care services aimed at early detection and management of diseases. This is crucial in maintaining a healthy population and reducing the overall healthcare burden.

Eligibility Criteria for BSKY NABIN Card

Wondering if you’re eligible for the BSKY NABIN Card? The eligibility criteria are designed to encompass a wide range of the population, ensuring that the benefits reach those in need. Here’s a breakdown of the primary eligibility requirements:

  • Residency: First and foremost, to be eligible for the BSKY NABIN card, you must be a resident of Odisha. Proof of residency, such as an Aadhaar card or voter ID, may be required during the enrollment process.
  • Economic Status: The scheme primarily targets individuals and families from economically weaker sections of society. This includes families covered under the National Food Security Act (NFSA) and the State Food Security Scheme (SFSS).
  • Special Categories: Special consideration is given to women aged 19 to 59 years, giving them direct eligibility for the card. This is in recognition of the crucial role women play in the health and well-being of families and communities.
  • Exclusions: It’s important to note that government employees, both current and retired, as well as individuals paying income tax, are generally excluded from the scheme. This ensures that the benefits are directed towards those in genuine need.

In conclusion, the BSKY NABIN Card is a significant step taken by the Odisha government towards improving healthcare access and affordability for its residents. With its comprehensive benefits and inclusive eligibility criteria, it promises to be a critical tool in enhancing the health and well-being of the state’s population. If you believe you meet the criteria, do not hesitate to apply for this life-changing card.

Gathering these documents before starting your application will not only save you time but also make the process smoother. Remember, each document plays a pivotal role in ensuring your eligibility for the BSKY NABIN Card, so handle them with care!

And there you have it, folks! A straightforward guide to enrolling for the BSKY NABIN Card at Odisha One Portal. With these steps and requirements in hand, you’re well on your way to availing of the healthcare benefits you deserve.


Enrolling for the BSKY NABIN card through the Odisha One Portal might seem daunting at first, but it really is quite straightforward. By following the step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to unlock healthcare benefits that can make a significant difference in your life and the lives of your family members. Remember, healthcare is a right, not a privilege, and the BSKY NABIN card is a critical step towards ensuring that right is realized for the people of Odisha.


Prerequisite Documents:

Document Required for Registration 

  1. Registration should be done in the name of the “Head of Family”
  2. Any member above age of 18 can apply for BSKY-NABIN on behalf of family.
  3. The applicant must have an Aadhaar card, linked with an active mobile number.
  4. Aadhaar based E-KYC (Know your consumer) is mandatory for the applicant Voter ID card (EPIC card) for all family members above 18 years of age.
  5. The applicant & HoF (Head of the family) must have valid mobile number to receive important communications.
  6. Recent photograph of the applicant as well as Head of the Family (or captured directly by the system).
  7. Aadhaar card of all family members, including children under 5 years.
  8. In case Aadhaar card of children under 5 years is not available, an undertaking must be submitted to provide Aadhaar card number by 30.06.2024

All interventions in the health sector of Odisha have been motivated by the vision of a healthy and happy Odisha (Sustha Odisha, Sukhi Odisha).

The expansion of the program will guarantee that no family in Odisha is left vulnerable because they are unable to pay for the high costs associated with critical illnesses.

It will deliver on the goal of providing everyone with access to healthcare.
