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Registration of RC under Orissa Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 1956 And Orissa Rules 1958


Welcome to the world of business compliance in Orissa! If you’re setting up a shop or a commercial establishment in this vibrant eastern state of India, understanding the registration process under the Orissa Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 1956, and adhering to the Orissa Rules 1958 is essential. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to ensure your business is registered correctly, allowing you to operate legally and without any hassle. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a new business owner, getting familiar with these regulations will set the foundation for your business’s success in Orissa.

Overview of the Orissa Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 1956 And Orissa Rules 1958

The Orissa Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 1956, along with the Orissa Rules 1958, is designed to regulate conditions of work and employment in shops, commercial establishments, restaurants, and other businesses across Orissa. This comprehensive legislation ensures that workers in various commercial entities are treated fairly, providing stipulations regarding hours of work, interval for rest, opening and closing hours, holidays, leave, health and safety, and arrangements for hygiene. The Act requires every employer to register their establishment within thirty days of commencement under this act to ensure compliance with its provisions. The rules set under the 1958 amendment further clarify the procedures and requirements for the administration of the Act, representing a critical framework for managing the employment and working conditions within the state’s commercial environment.

Registration Process under the Orissa Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 1956

Understanding the registration requirements

Registering your business under the Orissa Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 1956 is mandatory and must be done within 30 days of opening your business. The key requirement is that any shop or commercial establishment that starts operations needs to seek approval from the designated authorities to ensure legal compliance. This registration serves multiple benefits, such as legal recognition, protection under the labor laws of Orissa, and avoidance of potential penalties.

Before registration, ensure that your business falls under the categories described in the Act. These include any premises where any trade or business is carried out or where services are rendered to customers. It includes shops, residential hotels, restaurants, theaters, and other places of public entertainment or amusement. Documentation required typically includes a detailed list of the business’s name and establishment, the employer’s details, the category of the establishment, the number of employees, and other relevant details as specified by the Act.

Steps to register your business

The registration process under the Orissa Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 1956 is straightforward but requires attention to detail. Here’s how to go about it:

  1. Application Preparation: Begin by obtaining the application form for registration from the Labor Office in your area or download it from the official labor department website applicable to your state. Fill out the application form accurately, providing all necessary details about your business and its operations.
  2. Document Gathering: Collect all necessary documents that need to be attached with the application. This typically includes identification proof of the employer, address proof of the business, a lease agreement or proof of ownership of the business premises, and a list of employees if already hired.
  3. Submission of Application and Fees: Submit the completed application along with the required documents and the prescribed registration fees to the local Labor Inspector’s office. The fees depend on the size of the establishment and the number of employees working in your shop or commercial establishment.
  4. Inspection by Authorities: Upon receiving your application, the Labor Department may conduct an inspection of your establishment to ensure all information provided is accurate and that the establishment complies with the safety and employment standards as laid out in the Act.
  5. Issuance of Registration Certificate: If your application is approved, and your business meets all the necessary criteria, a registration certificate will be issued. This certificate is valid as long as there are no changes in the name, address, or nature of the business. If such changes occur, you must notify the inspector within 15 days, and accordingly, your registration will need to be amended.

It’s crucial to comply with all aspects of the registration process to ensure your business operates without any legal hitches. Non-compliance can lead to penalties and might affect the reputation of your business adversely. Therefore, understanding and following these steps diligently is vital for successful registration and ongoing compliance.

Compliance with Orissa Rules 1958

To ensure that your shop or commercial establishment operates smoothly within the state of Orissa, adhering to the Orissa Rules 1958 is crucial. These set of rules form part of the regulatory framework laid down under the Orissa Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 1956, and provide specific guidelines that govern a variety of aspects including working hours, holidays, terms of service, and other working conditions.

Key regulations to follow

The key regulations you should keep in mind include:

– Registration Requirement: Every shop and commercial establishment must register with the local labor department.

– Working Hours and Leave: There are defined limits on daily and weekly working hours, along with stipulated breaks and leave entitlements.

– Health and Safety: Ensuring adequate provisions for employees’ health and safety as per the rules is mandatory.

– Welfare Measures: Implement provisions related to cleanliness, lighting, ventilation, and other welfare measures that contribute to the well-being of employees.

– Records Maintenance: Maintaining precise records regarding employees, wages, and other mandated details is essential for compliance.

Penalties for non-compliance

Failure to comply with the Orissa Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1956, and the Orissa Rules 1958 can lead to several repercussions, including:

– Fines: Depending on the nature of the violation, fines can vary, sometimes reaching up to several thousand rupees.

– Legal Action: Serious breaches, particularly those concerning employee rights and safety, can lead to legal actions including court trials.

– Reputation Damage: Non-compliance can also damage the reputation of your business, impacting customer trust and potentially leading to boycotts or decreased patronage.

Importance of adhering to the rules

Adhering to these rules is not only a legal necessity but also a pivotal aspect of ethical business conduct. Compliance:

– Protects Employee Rights: Following the rules ensures that employees are treated fairly and their rights are safeguarded.

– Enhances Business Reputation: Compliance helps in building a positive image of the business among clients, investors, and potential employees.

– Avoids Legal Hassles: Keeps your business away from potential legal issues and focuses on growth and productivity.

In sum, ensuring that your business complies with the Orissa Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1956, and Orissa Rules 1959, is invaluable to running a successful and responsible business in Orissa.


In wrapping up, registering your business under the Orissa Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 1956 and adhering to the Orissa Rules 1958 is an integral step towards legal compliance and achieving smooth operational flow. Understanding and following the outlined procedures not only legitimizes your venture but also provides benefits like protection under labor laws and a structured management system. Ensure you keep up-to-date with any changes to the laws and rules to maintain compliance and support a hassle-free business environment. Always consider seeking legal advice to navigate through the registration intricacies effectively.

Prerequisite Documents:

Checklist of documents to be uploaded (Only png, jpg, pdf is supported and maximum file size of 4 MB is allowed)


  1. Identification document (House rent agreement/ Electricity bill/ Trade licence) *
  2. Photo of odia signboard *
  3. Signature of applicant *

As per provisions of Sec. 4 of the Odisha Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 1956, the employer of any shop or commercial establishment located within Municipal Corporation area / Municipality area / NAC area and engaging one or more employee(s) has to apply for registration of the establishment within 30 days from its commencement.

The District Labour Officers and Assistant Labour Officers are declared as Inspectors under the said Act to grant registration. Based on the geographical location, the application will be routed to the concerned District Labour Officer/ Assistant labour officer.
