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Renewal of License – The Beedi and Cigar Workers (CE) Act, 1966 And Orissa Rules, 1969


Welcome to your go-to guide on renewing licenses under the Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966, and the accompanying Orissa Rules, 1969. Navigating through the maze of labor laws in India can be daunting. Whether you’re a business owner, manager, or a worker in the beedi and cigar manufacturing sector, understanding the license renewal process is critical for compliance and ensuring that your operations run smoothly. In this blog, we’ll break down the steps, required documents, and key deadlines to help make the renewal process as straightforward as possible. Stick with us to keep your business in line with the law!

Understanding the Beedi and Cigar Workers (CE) Act, 1966 And Orissa Rules, 1969

The Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966, along with the Orissa Rules of 1969, were established to regulate the employment conditions of workers in the Beedi and Cigar manufacturing sector, providing a framework to ensure their rights and welfare. This act outlines the requirements for maintaining proper working conditions, ensuring adequate wages, and the necessary health and safety measures.

Under this framework, businesses involved in the manufacturing of beedis and cigars must obtain a license to operate legally. These licenses are subject to periodic renewal, an important procedure for both operators and workers. The Orissa Rules, 1969, also specify additional statewide regulations that complement the central act, providing a more localized governance structure that takes the specific needs and contexts of Orissa’s workers into account.

Key Steps in the License Renewal Process

Application Submission

The process for renewing a license under the Beedi and Cigar Workers Act starts with the submission of an application. Business owners must fill out the prescribed form, available at the local labor office or through the official website of the state’s labor department. This form requires detailed information about the business including its location, number of employees, type of products manufactured, and previous license details.

It’s crucial to ensure that the application is accompanied by all necessary supporting documents. These may include:

– Proof of compliance with any previously noted violations or conditions

– A detailed report on the health and safety measures implemented in the workplace

– Evidence of up-to-date payments to employee welfare funds

– A receipt of the fee payment for license renewal

Submitting an incomplete application or failing to provide required documents can delay the renewal process, so thoroughness is key.

Inspection and Verification

Once the application is submitted, the next step involves inspection and verification by local labor authorities. An inspector will visit the manufacturing facility to ensure that all the details provided in the application are accurate and that the establishment complates with all the current standards as laid out in the Beedi and Cigar Workers Act and Orissa Rules.

The inspection focuses on:

– Verification of health and safety standards in the work environment

– Compliance with labor laws including worker registration and wage distribution

– Review of the maintenance of necessary records and documentation

If any discrepancies or violations are found during the inspection, the business owner will be instructed to correct them within a specified timeframe. Only after all conditions are met will the license renewal be approved. This rigorous verification process serves to protect the rights and safety of workers, ensuring that they work in conditions that respect their health and dignity.

Compliance Requirements for License Renewal

Renewing a license under the Beedi and Cigar Workers (CE) Act, 1966, and adhering to the Orissa Rules, 1969, involves meeting several compliance requirements. These requirements ensure that the working conditions are kept to a certain standard, reflecting the ongoing commitment of the workplace to law and worker safety.

Financial and Administrative Requirements

When renewing a license for operating a beedi or cigar manufacturing unit, several financial and administrative aspects must be meticulously managed. Firstly, the employer must provide proof of having paid up-to-date wages as per the minimum wage act which applies specifically to beedi and cigar factory workers. Furthermore, it’s crucial to maintain and submit detailed records of employees, their work hours, and the health and safety measures provided. This documentation should include:

– A list of all employees with their job descriptions and years of service.

– Records of daily attendance and number of products manufactured.

– Evidence of regular wage payment meeting or exceeding the minimum wage requirement.

– Details of any training programs conducted for workers regarding safety and job-specific skills.

Employers must ensure that their administrative records are transparent and updated before applying for license renewal. This transparency helps in inspections and in fostering a compliant working environment.

Safety and Health Regulations

The safety and health regulations under the Beedi and Cigar Workers (CE) Act, 1966, are rigorous and designed to protect workers from occupational hazards. Employers must comply with these rules to ensure a safe workplace. Critical safety measures include:

– Installation of adequate ventilation systems to prevent the inhalation of harmful tobacco dust.

– Provision of personal protective equipment like gloves and masks.

– Regular health check-ups and reporting of health issues deriving from workplace conditions.

– Training employees on emergency procedures and the correct handling of manufacturing equipment.

Adherence to these safety standards not only helps in smooth license renewal but also plays a significant role in minimizing workplace accidents and health issues related to tobacco processing work.

Importance of Adhering to Labor Laws in India

Compliance with labor laws is not only a legal obligation but also a cornerstone of ethical business practices. In India, where labor rights have been historically hard-fought, adherence to these laws is particularly crucial.

Ensuring Worker Rights

The main aim of the Beedi and Cigar Workers Act and other labor laws is to ensure that workers are treated fairly and that their rights are protected. These rights include fair wages, reasonable work hours, and safe working conditions. By complying with the law, employers contribute to a more equitable society where workers are respected and valued for their contribution. This not only boosts morale but also increases productivity and loyalty among workers.

Legal Consequences of Non-Compliance

Ignoring the legal requirements for operating a beedi or cigar manufacturing unit can lead to severe consequences. Non-compliance might result in fines, revocation of business licenses, or even criminal charges against the employer. Continuous failure to comply can also lead to public relations issues, affecting business reputation not just locally but also in broader markets. Regular renewal and strict adherence to the stipulated conditions under the labor laws ensure smooth operations and avoid legal pitfalls.

By understanding and implementing these legal and moral obligations, businesses can foster a supportive and law-abiding environment that benefits everyone involved.


Renewing your license under the Beedi and Cigar Workers (CE) Act, 1966, coupled with the adherence to the Orissa Rules, 1969, is crucial for maintaining compliance and ensuring the continued operation of your business in India. Staying updated with the licensing requirements helps in avoiding any legal issues and contributes to the protection and rights of the workers in this industry. Always consult with an expert if you have specific concerns or queries about the license renewal process. Remember, timely renewal not only keeps your business lawful but also reflects your commitment to upholding essential labor standards.

Prerequisite Documents:

  • Signature of applicant

Fee Calculation

Fill in the form. After the form is successfully saved, applicant can pay the required fees

Fee is Calculated based on the number of employees proposed to be engaged.


No of employees proposed to be engaged


For industrial premises in which power –driven machinery is used


For industrial premises in which power –driven machinery is not used


Not exceeding 10


₹ 200


₹ 150


Between 11 and 20


₹ 400


₹ 300


Between 21 and 50


₹ 800


₹ 600


Between 51 and 100


₹ 2000


₹ 1500


Between 101 and 250


₹ 3500


₹ 3000


Exceeding 251


₹ 6000


₹ 5000


  • If applicant does not renew the license within the 30 days, applicant shall pay additional 25% of fee.