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The Importance of ROW (Right of Way) for OFC (Optical Fiber Cable) Underground Installation at Odisha One Portal

Ever found yourself in the middle of a binge-watch and suddenly, the dreaded buffer symbol appears? Or, amidst an important online meeting, your connection decides to take a hike? Well, the backbone of our ultra-connected world is none other than Optical Fiber Cables (OFC). And when it comes to setting these up underground, it’s not just a dig-and-done deal; it involves securing the right of way (ROW). At Odisha One Portal, understanding the importance of ROW for installing OFC underground is key to boosting internet connectivity and improving digital infrastructure. Stick around as we unravel why securing ROW is a crucial step towards a faster, more reliable internet future.

Definition and significance of ROW

Right of Way (ROW) refers to the legal right to install Optical Fiber Cables (OFC) below public and private lands to improve telecommunications infrastructure. This permits cables to be laid without infringing on the property rights of landowners. Securing ROW is crucial as it not only ensures the smooth installation of these critical infrastructure components but also minimizes potential legal disputes or issues that may arise during the process. Essentially, ROW acts as a bridge between technological advancements and their deployment on the ground, making it a vital aspect of modernizing connectivity in regions like Odisha.

Importance of OFC underground installation

Optical Fiber Cables (OFC) are the backbone of high-speed internet and telecommunications services. By installing these cables underground, they are safeguarded from physical damages caused by environmental factors and human activities, ensuring the longevity and reliability of the network. Furthermore, underground installations help in maintaining the aesthetic appeal of cities and landscapes by eliminating the clutter of overhead wires. This method of laying cables is especially beneficial in densely populated areas or regions prone to natural disasters where overhead cables are more susceptible to damage.

The Importance of ROW for Internet Connectivity at Odisha One Portal

Enhancing broadband connectivity

Securing ROW for OFC installation plays a pivotal role in enhancing broadband connectivity across Odisha. It enables the expansion of digital infrastructure to remote and underserved areas, ensuring that more individuals and communities can access the internet. This enhanced connectivity is crucial for the economic development and digital inclusion of the region.

Enabling high-speed internet access

High-speed internet access is fundamental in today’s digital age for everything from education, and healthcare to business and entertainment. The installation of OFC underground, facilitated by ROW, directly translates into faster and more reliable internet speeds. This, in turn, boosts productivity, fosters innovation, and improves the quality of life for people in Odisha.

Facilitating seamless communication

With the secure and strategic laying of OFC enabled by ROW, communication becomes more efficient and seamless. This infrastructure supports the burgeoning demand for data and voice services, allowing for uninterrupted video conferencing, streaming, and online transactions. It significantly reduces downtime and connectivity issues, making it easier for residents, businesses, and government services to stay connected.

In conclusion, the Right of Way is much more than a legal prerequisite; it’s a catalyst for unleashing the potential of digital connectivity and transforming the landscape of Odisha through the Odisha One Portal.

ROW and the Development of Digital Infrastructure in Odisha

The implementation of Right of Way (ROW) policies plays a crucial role in the expansion of digital infrastructure within Odisha. Through streamlined processes for Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) underground installation, the state is set on a path toward technological innovation and digital empowerment.

Boosting e-governance initiatives

By facilitating smoother OFC installations, ROW directly contributes to enhancing e-governance initiatives across Odisha. This ensures that vital services, including but not limited to healthcare, education, and public services, are made accessible online. The establishment of a robust digital infrastructure enables citizens to experience quicker and more efficient government services, thereby improving their overall quality of life.

Supporting digital economy and entrepreneurship

The development of an encompassing digital network fosters a fertile ground for the digital economy and budding entrepreneurs. Access to high-speed internet encourages the growth of e-commerce, online businesses, and startups, propelling Odisha towards becoming a hub for digital innovation and economic progress.

Fostering technological advancements

Securing ROW for the underground installation of OFC also paves the way for technological advancements in various sectors. From agriculture employing smart farming techniques to schools integrating digital learning tools, every aspect of societal development stands to benefit. This initiative aligns with the state’s vision of embracing the future through technology.

Challenges in Securing ROW for OFC Underground Installation

However, the journey towards achieving widespread OFC installation is not devoid of challenges. Several obstacles need to be addressed to facilitate this vital aspect of digital infrastructure development.

Legal and regulatory hurdles

One of the primary challenges in laying down OFC is navigating through the complex maze of legal and regulatory frameworks. Ensuring compliance with both state and central laws, while also adhering to environmental and safety standards, can often slow down the process.

Limited awareness and cooperation of stakeholders

Another significant hurdle is the limited awareness and cooperation among various stakeholders involved. From local authorities to the general public, fostering a collective understanding of the benefits of ROW and OFC installation is pivotal for streamlining the process.

Land acquisition and compensation issues

The acquisition of land and the complexities surrounding compensation often pose challenges for ROW. Negotiating with landowners, resolving disputes, and ensuring fair compensation are vital steps that require careful handling to avoid delays in OFC installation projects.

Addressing these challenges head-on is essential for Odisha to fully realize its digital infrastructure goals and harness the power of the internet for its socio-economic development.

Government Initiatives to Promote ROW for OFC Underground Installation

Odisha One Portal: A comprehensive platform

The Odisha government has taken a bold step forward by introducing the Odisha One Portal, a one-stop solution aimed at streamlining the process of obtaining the Right of Way (ROW) for Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) underground installation. This digital platform not only simplifies the application process but also provides real-time status updates, making it easier for stakeholders to track their applications. By reducing paperwork and cutting down on delays, the Odisha One Portal is instrumental in accelerating the expansion of internet connectivity across the state.

Policies and incentives to encourage infrastructure development

Understanding the critical role of digital infrastructure in today’s economy, the government has introduced several policies and incentives designed to encourage the development of OFC networks. These include tax benefits, expedited approval processes, and financial assistance for companies undertaking the laying of OFC. By creating a favorable environment for investment, these measures are set to boost the state’s digital infrastructure significantly.

Collaboration with private sector and community involvement

The success of the ROW for OFC underground installation isn’t just a result of government action; it requires active participation from private entities and the community. Recognizing this, the government is fostering partnerships with private sector companies and involving local communities in the planning and implementation process. These collaborations ensure that the projects meet the needs of the population and leverage private sector expertise for efficient execution.

Best Practices for Implementing ROW for OFC Underground Installation

Proper planning and coordination

Effective coordination between various government departments and agencies is key to the successful implementation of ROW for OFC projects. Proper planning ensures that infrastructural projects do not overlap or conflict, thereby minimizing disruptions and optimizing resources. It also involves strategic route planning to avoid environmental and cultural sensitivities.

Adequate resource allocation

Resource allocation goes beyond just funding. It includes allocating skilled manpower, technological resources, and ensuring the availability of necessary equipment. Timely and adequate resource allocation is critical to meet project timelines and maintain quality standards in the installation of OFC networks.

Engaging with local communities

Gaining the support and trust of local communities is paramount for the smooth implementation of OFC underground projects. Engaging with community leaders and residents early in the project can help in identifying potential issues and integrating local insights into the planning process. Regular communication and involvement ensure that the community feels a part of the development process, thereby fostering a cooperative atmosphere.

Case Study: Successful Implementation of ROW for OFC Underground Installation in Odisha

Overview of the project

In the heart of Odisha, a groundbreaking project to install Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) underground sparked a revolution in connectivity. Securing the Right of Way (ROW) was no small feat; it required collaboration between government entities, local communities, and private corporations. The aim was clear: to weave a web of high-speed internet across Odisha, enhancing access to digital resources and services through the Odisha One Portal.

Positive impact on internet connectivity and digital infrastructure

The completion of this project marked a significant milestone in digital transformation. Internet connectivity soared, presenting the citizens of Odisha with the key to the digital world right at their fingertips. Schools, hospitals, and businesses experienced a notable improvement in their services, thanks to the reliability and speed of the new digital infrastructure. The Odisha One Portal became a hub of opportunity, offering seamless access to government services, education, and healthcare.

Lessons learned

The journey was dotted with challenges, but it taught valuable lessons in perseverance, collaboration, and the importance of a clear vision. The success of securing ROW for OFC installation highlighted the need for comprehensive planning and community involvement in future projects. It fostered a sense of unity and commitment towards a digitally empowered society.

Future Prospects and Potential of ROW for OFC Underground Installation at Odisha One Portal

Expanding network coverage and capacity

Looking ahead, the possibilities are boundless. With the foundation laid, the focus shifts to expanding network coverage and capacity. This effort aims to ensure that no corner of Odisha is left untouched by the digital revolution, making high-speed internet accessible to all, regardless of their geographical location.

Bridging the digital divide

The expansion of OFC underground installation is a major step toward bridging the digital divide. It promises to bring the benefits of digitalization to the most remote and underserved communities in Odisha, fostering inclusivity and equal opportunity in the digital age.

Accelerating socio-economic development

The widespread accessibility of high-speed internet has the potential to turbocharge socio-economic development in Odisha. From boosting local businesses and attracting investment to enhancing education and healthcare, the implications are vast. As the digital landscape of Odisha continues to evolve, the future looks brighter than ever, filled with opportunities for growth and progress.


In the digital age, ensuring top-notch internet connectivity and building a resilient digital infrastructure are non-negotiable for progress. The Odisha One Portal is at the heart of this evolution, facilitating a range of services with the promise of enhancing the lives of its citizens. The role of Right of Way (ROW) in laying down Optical Fiber Cables (OFC) underground cannot be overstated. It’s the bedrock upon which fast, reliable internet rests, paving the way for Odisha’s digital leap forward. Let’s embrace the future by supporting these initiatives, ensuring that every corner of Odisha is well-connected and digitally empowered.

Prerequisite Documents:

  1. Relevant License or Infrastructure Provider Registration Certificate from the Department of Telecommunication, Government of India
  2. Copy of Clearance from the State Environment & Forest Department, If applicable
  3. Rout Plane along with GIS Map
  4. Copy of the Agreement with the concerned Electricity Distribution Company (DISCOM)
  5. NOC from NHAI, ASI, Airport Authority, if required

The Underground OFC can be buried directly underground or placed into a buried duct. The cables are ploughed in or buried in a trench when buried directly and the installation process can be very quick. The most common cables used for direct burial are steel armoured outdoor fiber cables. While underground duct installation can protect the cables from harsh environment and provides opportunity for future expansion without the need to dig. The other benefit is that fiber cables without armour can be used which makes the installation even easier.

Permanent ducts constructed by the State agencies along roadside may be available to lease for laying Optical Fibre Cable (OFC). The permission to use these ducts and review of utility will be done by the District Collector or Head of the concerned Local Authority.
