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Understanding the Process of Name Deletion in Ration Card under SFSS at Odisha One Portal

Have you ever found yourself scratching your head, wondering how on earth to remove a name from a ration card using the SFSS at Odisha One Portal? Well, you’re in luck! This guide is designed to lead you through the process, step by easy step. The State Food Security Scheme (SFSS) initiative and the Odisha One Portal make it convenient for residents of Odisha to manage their ration cards efficiently. Whether it’s a case of a family member moving out or any other reason, removing a name from your ration card no longer has to be a hassle. Let’s dive into understanding how this process works, shall we?

Understanding the Ration Card System in Odisha

In Odisha, the ration card is not just a piece of paper; it’s a vital document for families. It serves as an identity proof and is crucial for availing food grains and other essentials at subsidized rates under the Public Distribution System (PDS). The ration cards are categorized mainly into two types: BPL (Below Poverty Line) and APL (Above Poverty Line), depending on the economic status of the household. Each card has the names of all eligible family members listed, allowing them to benefit from government schemes. However, there may arise situations where a family needs to delete a name from the ration card, which brings us to the ease provided by the Odisha One Portal.

For those looking to make amendments to their ration card, such as deleting a name due to various reasons like marriage, death, or relocation, the Odisha One Portal provides a seamless process through the State Food Security Scheme (SFSS). This initiative aligns with the government’s commitment to ensuring food security for all, letting citizens update their ration card details online in a transparent, efficient, and user-friendly manner. Navigating through the portal for such services not only saves time but also significantly reduces paperwork, making the entire process eco-friendly. With such services at their fingertips, residents of Odisha can ensure their ration card always reflects their current family status, ensuring they receive the correct entitlements.

What is SFSS?

The State Food Security Scheme (SFSS) is a lifeline for countless families across Odisha, ensuring that even the most vulnerable sections of society have access to basic nutrition. In an effort to streamline this vital service, the Odisha government introduced the Odisha One Portal, a digital platform designed to make managing ration cards easier and more efficient for its citizens. SFSS, as part of this initiative, plays a critical role by allowing residents to undertake various ration card-related transactions online – from applying for a new card, updating details, to the process we’re focusing on today: deleting names.

Importance of Name Deletion in Ration Card

The ration card, a crucial document for Indian households, is not just a pass to subsidized groceries but also serves as a vital identity proof. Given its significance, keeping the ration card updated is essential. But why is deleting names from the ration card equally important? Let’s delve into the reasons:

  1. Accuracy of Information: The primary reason for deleting names from a ration card is to ensure the accuracy of household information. Events such as the death of a family member, marriage, or members moving out for work necessitate updates to reflect the current household structure accurately.
  2. Prevent Fraud: Accurate information helps in preventing potential fraud and misuse of the ration card, ensuring that the benefits reach the right beneficiaries.
  3. Government Data: Accurate ration card details assist the government in planning and allocating resources effectively. Incorrect or outdated information can lead to misallocation, affecting the efficiency of government schemes.
  4. Ease of Use: An updated ration card with the correct number of family members ensures that transactions at ration stores are smoother, with fewer discrepancies and delays.

Maintaining up-to-date ration card information through processes such as name deletion not only aids in the efficient distribution of resources but also upholds the integrity of government welfare schemes, making the SFSS and initiatives like the Odisha One Portal invaluable tools for the citizens of Odisha.

Steps to Remove Names from Ration Card using SFSS at Odisha One Portal

Removing names from your ration card through the State Food Security Scheme (SFSS) at the Odisha One Portal is a straightforward process, designed to be hassle-free so that residents of Odisha can manage their ration card details with ease. Here’s how you can go about it:

  • Firstly, visit the official Odisha One Portal. You’ll find a dedicated section for ration card services under the SFSS.
  • You’ll be prompted to fill in your ration card number and other necessary personal details. Make sure these details are accurate to avoid any processing delays.
  • After submitting the required information, you’ll need to upload the necessary documents for name deletion (more on this in the next section).
  • Finally, review your submissions for accuracy, then submit your request. You will receive a confirmation and a reference number for tracking purposes.

The portal is user-friendly, but it’s crucial to follow these steps precisely to ensure your request is processed smoothly.

Common Challenges and Solutions in the Name Deletion Process

Dealing with government procedures can sometimes feel like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube, but fear not! When it comes to removing a name from a ration card through the SFSS on the Odisha One Portal, you might run into a few common hurdles. Let’s talk about these challenges and how you can leap over them.

First up, document verification troubles. Sometimes, the documents you submit might not meet the requirements, or there could be a mismatch in information. The solution? Double-check the list of acceptable documents on the Odisha One Portal and ensure that the details match exactly what’s on your ration card.

Another challenge is portal navigation. Finding the right section for name deletion can be like finding a needle in a haystack. To ease this process, look for online tutorials or guides specifically about the Odisha One Portal. They can be lifesavers!

Lastly, the waiting game for updates can test your patience. Sometimes, the status of your application might not update for weeks. In these cases, patience, coupled with regular checks on the portal and possible follow-ups through the provided contact details, is key.

Tips to Ensure a Smooth Name Deletion Process

Let’s polish up the process of name deletion on your ration card to make it as smooth as silk. Here are a few tips:

  • Before you even start, gather all necessary documents and make sure they are up to date. This preparation can save you a lot of back and forth.
  • Read and re-read the instructions on the Odisha One Portal. Knowing the process like the back of your hand will prevent any missteps.
  • Take advantage of the help and support offered by the portal. If you encounter any issues or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. They’re there to help!
  • Finally, keep a record of your application number and any correspondence. This information can be invaluable if you need to follow up or reference your application at any point.

By tackling the challenges head-on and arming yourself with these tips, the path to removing a name from your ration card through the SFSS at the Odisha One Portal should be a lot clearer and more straightforward.


Navigating the Odisha One Portal to delete a name from your ration card under the SFSS doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following the straightforward steps outlined, residents of Odisha can efficiently manage their ration card details, ensuring their family’s needs are accurately reflected. Remember to keep your documents handy and follow the process step by step to make any necessary changes seamlessly. Embrace the ease of digital services and keep your ration card updated with ease.

  • Original ration card
  • additional members or persons name to be added/removed
  • Proof of residence
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Local Certificate / Election Card / PAN / Driving license / Passport
  • Proof of Date of Birth (Birth Certificate/X Pass Certificate/declared/other)
  • Surrender Certificate in original (for inclusion, if any)
  • Death Certificate in case of death of a member in order to delete
  • Document required for Adding member on account of marriage
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Original Ration Card with husband’s name
  • Name Deletion Certificate from the parents of Bride
  • Document required for Adding New Born Child in Ration Card (above 5 years)
  • Birth Certificate issued by the local municipal body or competitive authority
  • Original ration card of the family with parent’s name
  • ID Proof of Parents such as PAN Card, Aadhaar Card
Deletion Of New Member under SFSS (State Food Security Scheme)
  • Key points to be remembered while submitting the application form
  • To add a new member in existing Ration Card, all aadhaar tagged to existing RC should be validated.
  • Addition of new member will be verified by the respective district officials for approval.
  • The existing Ration Card should have mobile number for OTP verification.
  • If the user don’t have registered mobile number, to add Mobile number he/she has to contact the Block Marketing Inspector..